Recent Improvements

We’re always pushing new improvements to the LEx platform; however, we don’t often find the time to write about them. Here are just a few recent changes that hopefully make your experience a little better…

Improvements for Brewers, Growers & Merchants:

  • Orders now automatically complete based on shipping carrier scans
  • Buyers now receive an (optional) email notification when hops are delivered
  • Buyers can now bundle multiple listings from the same seller into a single order/shipment
  • We display additional listings from the same seller during checkout
  • Package size limits are a thing of the past
  • Global Hop Alert filters have been improved so you only get the Hop Alerts that you want
  • Want to offer a special deal in limited quantities or a large quantity of high-demand hops at a reasonable price while making sure it goes to lots of other brewers rather than a single buyer? Just use the Max Order field when creating a listing.
  • We now handle sales tax exemption certificates

Improvements for Trellis users:

  • Orders are now searchable
  • Large merchants that list directly on LEx (like BSG and Charles Faram) now have more admin tools to add employees to their portal, designate billing users, etc.
  • Growers & merchants can now turn on more shipping carriers (like USPS) from Trellis.
  • Large quantities (ie 100,000 lbs) can be segmented into smaller lots (ie 1,000 lbs) and displayed one listing at a time.

We’ve got plenty more in the pipeline, but as always, if there’s something new you’d like to see (or something you think could be better), definitely post about it here or use the like button to show your support for comments from other members of the community.

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