Changes to Profile Scores & Other Recent Updates!

We’ve made some changes to…

Profile Scores:
When considering a listing on The Lupulin Exchange, buyers want to know as much as possible about the seller’s past performance and the lot of hops that they’re considering purchasing, but some buyers don’t always take the time to review seller performance or lot quality. Therefore, we’ve changed how Profile Scores are calculated to incentivize buyers to leave reviews and strengthen the community. Rating lots & seller performance now improves your profile score; whereas :warning: failing to do so now hurts your profile score. If you want to see the math, it’s explained here. :nerd_face: The new incentives took effect on April 1, 2023, so you won’t be penalized if you didn’t rate seller performance or lots on orders placed before then. You can review your recent purchases from the order details page (found under My Purchases). Pro tip: you may also want to enable rating reminder emails!

Listing Sort Options:
You can now sort listings (with or without filters applied) by Seller Profile Score, Seller Shipping Speed, or Lot Ratings! Coming Soon: sort by distance!

Speedy Shipper Badges:
We also added a new icon to all listings by sellers with a Shipping Speed score of 90% or better, which roughly translates to “typically ships the same day unless the order is placed late in the day.” You can always find the seller’s ave shipping speed (measured in hours or days) on their profile score. speedy shipper

Other Stuff:

  • We’ve improved the functionality of group PMs and added opt-out capabilities to Notification Settings
  • We’re now displaying all of your wepay accounts (active, disabled, pending, etc.) to make it easier to figure out what’s going on, especially for companies with lots of users or wepay accounts.
  • Improvements to CO-HOP reservation schedules + better countdown timers
  • Minor bug fixes
  • Improved Tool Tips

Coming Soon:

  • Improvements to countless system emails (let me know if you see anything weird)
  • A “similar listings” section to make comparing listings easier
  • Sort listings by distance
  • A streamlined label printing UI
  • Filter enhancements
  • And so much more (we always seem to have a queue of at least 3 years worth of projects!)

Thanks for following along!

p.s. If you’re logged in, your community engagement score will increase tomorrow because you read this. :wink: