Welcome to the Lupulin Exchange Community

This community was born from a desire for a more direct connection with the brewers, brokers and growers who use LEx everyday. We want to hear from you about all things Lupulin Exchange:

  • Things that could work better
  • Helping shape and feedback on new features in beta (more about beta testing below).
  • Peer to Peer customer support and answers
  • Ideas for technology solutions to problems in the brewing community
  • Places to get great burgers when Shane is traveling

We hope you will find this community very intuitive and powerful - from customizing your profile, use on your mobile devices, customizing notifications, trust system and more. All you need to contribute is your LEx account - your login for http://community.lupulinexchange.com and https://lupulinexchange.com are one and the same

What this Community is NOT

The LEx team does it’s best to staff the community - especially when a feature is being beta tested. However we cannot guarantee a staff response to all posts in this community. If you need LEx support please check out our help desk