Price History explanation, anyone?

Can you explain a little about how this feature works? Is it summing across just the variety and year by the pound, or does it account for packaging size, storage condition,alpha, etc as well? Thanks!


Good question @crookedyardhops!

As of right now it’s calculated from Orders in the past 90 days that match the following:

  • Variety
  • Crop Year
  • Pellet Type
  • Region (North America, Europe, etc.)

Hope that clears it up!

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So how do we look back on pricing history of hops that are not listed on the Lupuin Exchange at the present moment. Example is HBC 472 as of 8/22/19

Currently, the only possibility for viewing historical pricing (outside of the Variety Pricing History box on active listings) is via LEx Insights, which can be found under the Data & Tools menu. LEx Insights does reveal 18-month history for select varieties; however, this feature is in beta with limited functionality. We plan to build out more analytics in the future, which will be accessible via LEx Insights.