Hydroponic designation?


My indoor hop production facility grows hops hydroponically. There are only a few places in the country that do so and I am of the belief that hops grown this way offer numerous advantages over those field grown. To designate this particular type of hop I was wondering if LEx would consider adding a hydoponic description that brewers would then be able to refine their search for if they are interested. This is something that further clarify for brewers the product they are receiving and help differentiate a hydroponic hop product from the others listed for sale. Thank you for the consideration.

Thanks for this suggestion @ajroche! As someone who isn’t a brewer, I don’t know off the top of my head, but it sounds like a reasonable request that I think would benefit the community. Everyone who knows brewing at LEx is indisposed at the moment so let me try to find some other users to comment here and I’ve put it on our agenda to talk about at our next meeting.

I personally don’t have an interest in field vs. hydroponically grown, but I think that there will be brewers out there who do and I think this user, as well as the LE could benefit from having the option. I’m sure there will be breweries out there who will make a specific beer that has the focus of being hydroponically grown.

Hey @ajroche - we talked this idea over at our last Lupulin Exchange team meeting and added it to our development roadmap. It’s not near the top right now as we have ~3 big features we are rolling out in the near future but we’re hoping to get to it in the medium term. Thanks again for the input.

Thank you for the consideration and addition to the roadmap.